June 5, 2023

Ridiculous Phrase ACAB

Ridiculous Phrase ACAB

Ridiculous Phrase ACAB. First, if anyone thinks that I, or any other police officer has never been called names before, then someone might be offering them a bridge for sale.

I, and every Cop that I know has been called names. As a matter of fact, every derogatory name that you can think of, and then add in many more that make no sense at all. But there is a certain sense of the ridiculous with the phrase ACAB.

Let's dissect the phrase ACAB, or A.C.A.B. (All Cops Are Bastards) and show how ridiculous and laughable it is. Before, doing that, my apologies to all that throw this phrase around for pointing out your obvious ignorance. Many of them think that they are being profound and are making an epic statement. 

The reality is that they are showing their sign, as Jeff Foxworthy would say. And proving the point that they have no idea how stupid that makes them appear.

Ridiculous Phrase ACAB.

There is a saying my Mark Twain, “It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”. I would include social media in that statement.

Let's look at A.C.A.B.

A for All. All is a term that is used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing. So, when someone says All, in A.C.A.B. are they referring to everyone in that city, town, state, country, or the world? Does that include everyone in that group? All is a broad encompassing term, that upon closer inspection can not possibly be true. Maybe some, or a few would be more accurate.

C for Cops. According to google a Cop is a Police Officer. It also has two other meanings. 1.) Catch or arrest (an offender). 2.) Receive or obtain (something welcome). There are many problems with that term Cop in A.C.A.B. Is anyone that has ever received or obtained something a Bastard? Are they included in that phrase? The second are Cops only Police Officers, or does that include Sheriff's Deputies, State Troopers, Federal Agents, Marshalls and Constables? Are they included in the phrase A.C.A.B. Or does that only include Police Officers? Does it include Police Officers from all across the world? Or is it only referring to one area or department? Ridiculous Phrase ACAB. 

B for Bastards. This one is laughable. According to Google a Bastard is a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child. It also has two other meanings. 1.) An an unpleasant or despicable person. 2.) No longer in its pure or original form; debased. Ridiculous Phrase ACAB. 

Come on now, the term Bastard hasn't been used in decades, maybe on the show Game of Thrones, but not in modern society. With so many single mothers, NO ONE uses that term. According to Merriam - Webster dictionary, the word Bastard is usually offensive: a child born to parents who are not married to each other. How many unwed parents are out there? Are the insulting everyone that was born to unwed parents? Or is it only intended for Cops that were born to unwed parents? How many people would use that as an insult for someone that was actually born to unwed parents? NOT ONE OF THEM WOULD WOULD BE STUPID ENOUGH, OR INSENSITIVE ENOUGH TO DO THAT WITH ANYONE ELSE IN SOCIETY. Yet, they feel it is okay to say that to Cops. That part of the meaning of Bastard doesn't need anymore explanation.

Ridiculous Phrase ACAB.

When they say that A.C.A.B. are the referring to the meaning of an unpleasant or despicable person? Is anyone out there willing to believe that EVERY Police Officer, Sheriff's Deputy, Federal Agent, Marshall, Constable in the US, or across the globe is unpleasant? Could it be possible that they are all unpleasant, or despicable, every single one of them? Does that despicable, or unpleasant person refer to 24 hours a day for all Cops, Police Officers, Sheriff's Deputies, State Troopers, Federal Agents, Marshalls and Constables? Ridiculous Phrase ACAB. 

How difficult would it be to be unpleasant, or despicable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year? Does that only refer to the hours that they are awake, or is only when they are working as a Cop? It would take superhuman effort to always be unpleasant and despicable for every hour that you are awake. 

Anyone with any basic Math skills, or common sense would know that they would have to be pleasant at least some of the time. Two old sayings prove my point. 1.) Even a blind squirrel finds a nut from time to time. 2.) Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.

If it refers to only the time that they are working as a Cop. That too is obviously flawed logic. We have multiple reports daily, photos, videos, reports from unbiased citizens and witnesses of Cops being pleasant in their service every day. And it happens all across the Country, if not the Globe. That would mean that they would have to deliberately, and purposefully ignore all the undeniable evidence that is presented to them every day. Yet, somehow, as ignorant as that sounds, there are those that still manage to do that.

Ridiculous Phrase ACAB.

I know that they aren't referring to the meaning, no longer in its pure or original form; debased. That would take way too much deep thought. Aren't these some of the same people that decry any kind of public "shaming"?

Are there, or have there ever been bad Cops, that do awful, criminal things. Absolutely. Maybe a more accurate term would be A Few Cops are Bastards, Some Of The Time. And that the vast majority, do an outstanding job all the time.

So, when someone throws out the term A.C.A.B. all they are doing is insulting themselves and showing the entire planet how little thought they put into their supposed insults. In other words, to borrow Mark Twain's thought, “It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”. 

Congratulations to all those that disseminate the phrase ACAB, or A.C.A.B, , as Jeff Foxworthy would say, "here is your sign". 

In the future, we dissect the phrase Copaganda.

Ridiculous Phrase ACAB.