July 28, 2023

Police Officers Prayer?

Police Officers Prayer?

Contrary to what many people claim, there are multiple prayers that are associated with or known as the Police Officers Prayer.

The Police Officers Prayer is a prayer commonly recited or embraced by police officers as a source of strength, guidance, and protection while they carry out their duties and face the challenges of their profession. There isn't a single standardized version of the prayer, as it can vary depending on the department, region, or individual beliefs. 

Here is a common version of the Police Officers Prayer according to Amaonline.com,  it goes as follows:

"Lord, I ask for courage,
Courage to face and conquer my own fears,
Courage to take me where others will not go.
I ask for strength,
Strength of body to protect others,
Strength of spirit to lead others.
I ask for dedication,
Dedication to my job to do it well,
Dedication to my community to keep it safe.
Give me, Lord, concern for others who trust me,
And compassion for those who need me.
And please, Lord, through it all, be at my side."

This prayer reflects the challenges and responsibilities that police officers carry while serving their communities and emphasizes the need for bravery, strength, dedication, and compassion. It's a way for officers to find comfort and reassurance in their faith while upholding their duty to protect and serve. Keep in mind that variations of this prayer may exist, and some officers might choose to personalize it to align with their beliefs and values.

I have noticed other prayers that are also known as the Police Officers Prayer. Here is another one from Swanseil.com:
"Oh Almighty God,
Whose Great Power and Eternal Wisdom Embraces the Universe,
Watch Over All Policemen and Law Enforcement Officers.
Protect Them from Harm in the Performance of Their Duty to Stop Crime, Robberies, Riots, and Violence.
We Pray,
Help Them Keep Our Streets and Homes Safe Day and Night.
We Recommend Them to Your Loving Care Because Their Duty is Dangerous.
Grant Them Your Unending Strength and Courage in Their Daily Assignments.
Dear God,
Protect These Brave Men and Women,
Grant Them Your Almighty Protection,
Unite Them Safely with Their Families After Duty Has Ended.

Pray.com features 6 different Police Officers Prayers.

Short policeman's prayer

"Almighty God, police officers are the thin blue line against tyranny. Please grant them strength and courage so they may face any challenges with ease. Thank you, Lord, for we know that you watch over them closely. Amen." 

‍Prayer for police officers safety at work

"Lord, today, our brave police women and men go to work amidst danger. We know their job is risky, Lord, and we fear for their safety in the line of duty. As Psalm 147:3 says, you heal broken hearts and bind up the wounded.

Please grant them your almighty protection, a strong spirit, and loyalty to their fellow officers who serve internationally and under the American flag. Please stay by them and deliver them home safely to their families. Amen." 

Saint Michael prayer for police officers

"Saint Michael, we ask that you protect our brave police officers against those with malice and ill will. They're our first responders and our protectors from violence, robbery, and wickedness. 

Please walk beside them and protect them as they protect us. Amen." 

‍Prayer for protection and guidance in the face of danger

"Dear God,

You wield great power over your world and people. And though many people need your loving care, let me ask you to grant our local police department personalized attention today. 

Those brave men and women keep our homes, children, and businesses safe. 

You are the Lord whose great power and eternal wisdom embrace the world.

Please watch over our police officers and guide them from danger. 

Please disarm any weapon used against them, and please protect them on the road. 

In Jesus Christ's name, Amen." 

‍Mother's prayer for a police officer son or daughter

"Lord, Please watch over my son/daughter in their daily assignments today. I trust in you, but I fear for their safety in these dangerous times. I know there's uproar, violence, and mayhem around us. 

Please guide my son/daughter through any troubles they face in the performance of their duty.

Lord, please bless them with the words of Psalm 122:8: "peace be within you," and please deliver me from my own fears. Amen." 

‍Fallen police officer prayer 


We have lost a hero who once walked among us. 

They didn't wear a cape or a fancy costume, but they stood by us in the fight against evil. 

They fought for your world, and unfortunately, they lost their life in the line of duty. 

Please welcome them into heaven with open arms and give them our praises and our gratitude. 

Thank you, Lord. 

In your son Jesus' name, Amen." 

There are many praying people in the world, and I consider myself to be one of them. I believe without a doubt in the power of prayer and I prayed on a few occasions during my police career. Usually there wasn't time to pray beforehand.  I don't correct people when they say that something is the "Police Officers Prayer". Instead I am glad that they actually took the time to pray for police officers.

We hope that this article about a Police Officers Prayer helps you.